May 21st! ...Maybe...Ugh! Here's the deal, my doctor is moving his practice and wants me to deliver at a different hospital and apparently scheduling is not so easy. They're supposed to call in a week or so to confirm, but until then I'm to "pencil in for the 21st".
Now for the deets: She's a "big girl" according to the nurse - which my doctor wasn't too thrilled about her saying. She is big, but not in a dangerous way. Cody was 9lbs 2oz, so it's nothing to be concerned about. The doc just thinks that she'll probably be a 9 pounder too - even though we'll be delivering a little early. I'm happy that she'll be big (yes, a c-section makes this easy to be happy about). I loved that Cody was so strong and "independent" very early on. He was lifting his head the day he was born and rolled from his stomach to his back (multiple times) at three weeks! He could sit up in his bumbo chair earlier than most and we weren't so worried about neck support, since he was lifting his (giant) head and turning it by himself. So Cody was born in the 90th percentile, but has consistently been in the 10th for his height since then...poor tiny boy. (Still in the 90th for his head, though!) We expect him to grow a lot in high school - that seems to be a Brady boy trait.
Anyway, baby girl looks great. According to the sonogram, she's already 4 pounds measuring in the 32nd week, but I'm actually 28 weeks! That doesn't really mean we're off on our calculations, just that she's on track to be big like her brother! Oh yeah! And she already seems to have lots of hair! Cody was born with a little and lost it until he was about 18 months. Maybe this means she'll actually keep some and look like a little girl!
We got the BEST video of her yawning! I wonder what this says about her? In Cody's final sonogram, he was flapping his little arm like he was waving at us. You think she'll be a calm one? Cody is definitely active!
Dear young women in my life...don't die
5 years ago
I like reading the updates!
yeah for new updates and yeah for a date to mark on my calendar!!! Looking forward to welcoming that baby girl!
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